Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Big Data is Ubiquitous

We are living in the era of Big Data, where a wealth of data is being generated every minute, every second, even every nano second. Thanks to the astounding technological revolution, everything around us is being captured in some way or the other, stored in some form, and this has the potential to make business sense. Big Data refers to any data set that is too big to be efficiently worked in real-time with traditional database tools. Modern businesses generate huge volumes of structured and unstructured data in both traditional and digital forms. Many firms have realised that these data could hold promise to give deeper insights into their customers, partners, and other stakeholders.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Want to boost your employability opportunities while studying? Put your ‘hands on’ experience through University!

University is a great experience for all students but what shouldn’t be ignored is that this is the best time to plan and prepare for their future career. We should start thinking and take advantage of every opportunity that comes across, particularly when still at Uni. Yes, you may be surprised but our Business School is undergoing a transformation of the way teaching is delivered, focusing on a contemporary practice-based higher education. If you do not know yet, this is all about teaching and learning based on ‘real life’ projects. Experience gained through university aims to develop your skills set and broaden your employability prospects. And I think for most of you, this is the primary reason for getting into higher education, or not?