One of the great things about working at a university is that you can have such interesting, illuminating conversations. A recent one with Eliot Lloyd is an example.
We started on solid ground exploring how we can develop our teaching of strategy then ranged across Innocent Drinks, Eliot’s blog on Evernote, Antarctica, Ponseti technique, quantum cryptography and bungalows before landing lightly on the positive value of hypocrisy. Not surprisingly after all that, we both had to get on with some work so we decided to continue the conversation through this blog. In fact we had reached the precise point where we were returning to business matters so this post will get us to that point again and then await a post from Eliot when he has some spare minutes.
The idea of hypocrisy as a positive thing is that there are some values which cannot be denied: they cannot be denied in speech but they cannot be totally denied in action either. We are used to that idea with the divergence of public speech and private action. The politician’s hypocrisy when they proclaim family values while having an affair is resented and condemned.
Showing posts with label Eliot Lloyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eliot Lloyd. Show all posts
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Socks, notes and fluff. Is Evernote falling into a strategy trap?
Being both technologically literate and highly organised many of you will be well aware of Evernote. You will have downloaded the app and enjoyed the ease with which you can manage data; organise appointments; share across many platforms etc. etc. Soon you will be able to sit in your office chair organising your life and enjoying the comfort of a pair of socks made by ....Evernote. You could stuff them in your bag made by.... Evernote. You could write about the experience in a notebook made by... yes you've got it by now.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
What a two and a half year old can teach us about Strategy
Those of us who have children well remember the thrill of hearing them utter their first word. It is something that we had anticipated for a long time and signals yet another astonishing phase in their development. You will probably also be familiar with the next phase a parent goes through which is "why can't they shut up!" as the child reveals its mastery of language by constantly asking 'why?' and 'how?'. Unless your child is Einstein whose first words (at the age of four) were allegedly "this soup is too hot", then you will recognise this all too clearly.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Visit to KAOSPILOT Business School Denmark
What would you do if your town had a persistent problem with people dumping cars? Write to your MP? Complain to the council to encourage them to increase spending to sort the problem out? Write to the paper? Moan to your friends? Get an agreement with the council to allow an arrangement for you and some friends to take the cars to a space in town where they could be used as seats for a drive-in cinema before they are then taken to the breaking yard? The latter is the unlikely solution created by students at KAOSPILOT Business School in Denmark. Other projects involved exporting scrapped bicycles to African villages and monitoring the resultant development of mini industries based on bicycle repair or making tow trolleys from scrap. One Translation service company is doing well in Sweden and Norway but poorly in Denmark and so they asked some KAOSPILOT students to design an awareness programme for the area.
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