This is a major exercise for the Faculty and a major initiative in combining management practice, business academic theory and sound, innovative pedagogy. We want to blog about this for two reasons. Firstly it helps us reach and gain responses from a wide range of people. Secondly it is part of the record of what we are doing which we will be able to use later when we write up our method more formally for publication.
We have already worked on the review process for some weeks. Two parts are running in parallel. The review of the current provision has started now that the Annual Monitoring Reports for the undergraduate courses are coming in and the Student Voice focus groups have been held by the Students Union. At the same time, a core group of course leaders and a few others have been working on the future course design. We have thought about what we want to focus on in the short term and the kind of graduates we want to develop. We have also designed the broad structure of the third year. Now we are trying out these ideas in a series of drop-in sessions at Luton and Bedford as we also embark on designing the second year.
So, that is the catch-up on what we have been doing before we started to blog. Now there are some posts of notes made before we set up the blog then can continue in something approaching real time.

Elizabeth had a 25 year career in management before joining the University seven years ago as Manager for “Pod” Programmes. She also held the post of MBA Academic Director before moving on to becoming Head of Department for Management and Business Systems.
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